Balboa Software maintains an online archive of upgraded Style Sheets, Import Filters, and other supplementary files. These are provided as a convenience to Library Master users and may be downloaded at no charge.
These files are mostly of interest to users of older versions of Library Master. If you have Library Master 5, you should download the latest version 5 maintenance version to get the latest Import Filters and Style Sheets.
The following types of files are available free of charge:
Follow these steps to install the files:
New and Revised Import Filters
Import Filters Compatible With Library Master 4.1 or Later
New and Revised Style Sheets
Style Sheets Compatible With Library Master 4.1 or later
Style Sheets Compatible With Library Master 4.0 or later
Enhanced Word Processor Support
WordPerfect Macros
The following WordPerfect macros are not required for running Library Master but
may be of interest to some users. Copy them to your WordPerfect macros directory.
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